Open: Mon - Fri 5:30am to 7pm | Sat 7am to 12pm | Sun 3:30pm to 6pm | News and Events

The team at the Green Apple have been specially handpicked. They have been chosen because of the person they are, and not just for what they look like (which is not always the case in our industry). The technical staff at the Green Apple genuinely like what they do and it shows.  Brian and Victoria have been at the Green Apple for more than 40 years and are ageing gracefully together! Staff attrition is very low which provides a very stable environment for members.

The team are fully qualified and are registered with Fitness Qld and/or Exercise and Sport Science Australia (ESSA). They remain current in the latest research and methodology within the industry and, as a group, do resuscitation annually and First Aid every 3 years.


Managing Director
Owned and Managed the Green Apple Since 1978.

  • Diploma of Clinical Remedial Therapies
  • Certificate IV in Fitness

My vision has been to help willing people achieve extraordinary health and happiness outcomes! We have an integrated service of allied health, natural therapy and fitness practices under one umbrella. For over 40 years I have looked for the best people to help with this vision, and the Green Apple Team is the end result. Each team member has been specially chosen because of their attitude and passion and they are committed to learning and growing.

I constantly question the “whys” in our business and “who” we look after, which helps me decide how and when to introduce services and staff to meet community needs. This is why we introduced programs for Type 2 Diabetes, Osteoporosis and heart disease more than a decade ago and this health direction has been very rewarding. We are seeing very significant results.

I really want a happy environment for the Green Apple Team and every member — it makes life so much more rewarding and enjoyable.

Fitness Professionals

Exercise Physiologists

Remedial Massage Therapists

Maintenance Staff

Reception/Administration Staff

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Wellness Quiz

Let’s learn about your health goals!

Step 1 of 4

  • No structured exerciseStructured exercise 1-2 times per weekStructured exercise 3-5 times per weekStructured exercise 6-7 times per week