Wellness Strength Classes
Wellness Strength Classes are 60 minutes in duration designed to provide technique coaching and progressive overload to help clients perform the strength exercises in their program effectively. These sessions are for our Wellness Associate members however can be accessed by members and are included in their membership fee.
Timetable updated: July 2024
Class Information
The Coaching Class is for Club Members who have had their exercise customised to their needs, and require some supervision and help with their program. The supervised sessions on Wednesday evening and Saturday morning will suit people unable to attend during the daytime Wednesdays. See also Stay Strong Longer.
Steady Steps is a falls prevention program developed in conjunction with Queensland Health to facilitate better balance, co-ordination and strength with an emphasis on fun!
Lungs in Action group class provides a safe environment in which those with stable chronic lung disease or breathing challenges can maintain physical and social activities. Strength equipment and cardiovascular equipment is used to achieve best outcomes.
Lift for Life is an evidence-based strength training program born out of more than three decades of research by Baker IDI Heart and Diabetes Institute. Clinical trials has provided evidence that increasing and maintaining muscle mass assists with controlling blood glucose in people with type 2 diabetes. Our progressive resistance equipment facilitates step-by-step strengthening.
Stay Strong Longer (SSL) Wellness Associate Members (Stay Strong Longer participants) attend “The Coaching Class” twice weekly to do their program.
The Veterans Exercise Class is made up of likeminded veterans who come together in a supervised session. Using Forever Active and Stronger For Longer Equipment for strength training and cardio equipment /circuit training for cardiovascular fitness. Learn More.
Forever Active and Stronger 4 Longer is the equipment usually used in our Wellness Strength classes using specific strength training equipment. Unlike hydraulic equipment, Forever Active and Stronger 4 Longer machines provide both concentric and eccentric phase muscle work which is essential for people with Type 2 Diabetes, osteoporosis and many other chronic conditions. The supervision provided in these classes ensures correct technique, cues for great posture, full support, motivation and social fun. Forever Active is also used for progressive resistance training by our Wellness Group clientele (see over for specific definitions). Full members can attend these classes to do the strength exercises in their program under supervision for best outcomes.