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Cherie’s Eye Surgery Journey …. a simple procedure for an amazing result


I’ve worn glasses for many years now. In fact 61% of Australians wear either spectacles or contact lenses to aid eyesight problems. But even after numerous visits to and adjustments by opticians my glasses have never been comfortable or fitted particularly well. ‘Why do I need to wear glasses anyway?’ I ask myself.

So, I took the plunge. I visited my GP to get a referral then booked an appointment with an eye surgeon and within 6 weeks I’d had a cataract removed (which I didn’t even know I had) and an artificial, intraocular lens permanently implanted.

The actual procedure took only 20 minutes and I was in and out within 1 ½ hours. Like everyone else the thought of having surgery on your eyes filled me with concern and apprehension.  In reality there was no pain, no discomfort and I walked out, albeit with a patch on my eye, 4 hours later the patch came off, and I took a Yoga class 6 hours later.

In 3 weeks I’m booked in to have the same procedure on my other eye, this time no apprehension as I know how simple the procedure is and the best part, no more glasses for me ever again. My vision won’t deteriorate with age and I’ll be able to enjoy the untroubled eyesight of a 20 year old forever.

Team Member, Cherie Clark
Yoga and Yogalates class instructor at Green Apple




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