Hello everyone
You can imagine what the past couple of days have been like!
Our biggest challenge has been to address the membership payments and process all changes by midnight on Wednesday. Loretta and I stayed up till all hours on Wednesday night, I was clearing emails from you all (and also till 2am the night before) and Loretta was processing them ready for the banks.
We did our very best and hope we got the bulk of changes made. Some cancellation requests and HOLD requests may not be processed in time however they will happen before the next payment is due. I ask you to be patient with us during this very challenging time.
I am still waiting to hear from members whom have not made the decision yet. We want to address the payment issue before the next payment is due so please, please get in touch with me on [email protected].
The reason why Green Apple is a bit different from other places of business is that we have three choices for members, providing different levels of care. Other “fitness centres” have closed their doors and put off their staff so they can do a blanket suspension of payment for everyone which is an easy transaction.
We have a very different demographic and a strong medically-driven Allied Health base. We know that our members have genuine need to exercise for health reasons and this is why we have designed an offsite option that will work for OUR clientele who generally are not “gym-people”
The choice you have been given is
1. Put your membership on HOLD because you want to return when COVID-19 settles down and you can resume activities onsite, walk in and get started in immediately
2. Enrol in our new service, Green Apple Health@Home during the COVID-19 period and let us help you with interactive phone sessions and specific programming, etc so you stay completely focussed and part of the Green Apple community
3. Cancellation of the membership completely because you don’t think you will be back.
We have had an amazing response from you in one way or another and we are all so appreciative and feel very valued.
Our Green Apple Health@Home service is heading towards 100 enrolments! Since all the staff involved have to book your first 30-minute program planning session, they are flat out either contacting you, delivering the sessions and keeping their records. It is a mammoth job and they are right into it.
You are saving our staff from having to be put off while also providing very satisfying work for them. I want to thank you because I can’t bear to think of the alternative.
I want to really thank those of you whom have decided to keep paying your membership despite not feeling in the need of the home programming to stay on track. Your messages to me have been awesome. Your financial support is invaluable.
Again, those of you whom haven’t contacted me to let me know what you want to do, I must make decisions before the next payment day. My plan is to put people on HOLD if I haven’t heard from you and to slowly get through making contact with you individually if I have to.
In a mad world, hang in there with anything that is familiar. Routine and structure in our life helps our mental health so much.