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How to Cope With the Aftermath of Christmas and Easter

It’s been an interesting journey in the last 40 years owning and managing the Green Apple Wellness Centre. One of the areas of interest for me has been how people in general react to certain times of the year, for example directly after Christmas, and often after Easter because it compounds some of the thoughts and feelings that have manifested between Christmas and Easter.
It seems that every time we have a gradual build-up of excitement preparing for some big event in our lives, and then we experience the highs and lows as we go through that big experience, there seems to be a slump of some sort on the other side.
I will always remember the Member who was preparing for their first marathon and their anticipation of the event, their dedication to the training that went into preparing for the event, and then the actual participation in the event. The event was quite traumatic for this Member, and he felt he barely survived it. However, he did complete the distance and I had anticipated that he would’ve been so happy with what he had achieved. He wasn’t. It wasn’t as if he was unhappy because it had been harder than he thought it would be, or that he hadn’t done it in the time he hoped for. No, he fell into a real slump of despair because it was all over, and he didn’t feel he had anything to look forward to. 
Christmas can be like this for some of us, especially if we have had a great time eating and drinking, and happily abstaining from our normal exercise routines. The whole thought of “getting back into it” can be challenging. If we haven’t got back on track by Easter and we continue to feast on foods we are more careful with at other times, we can really fall into a black hole. Even to the extent that we think it is all in the too hard basket and we decide to have a bit of a break from the discipline of the “gym”. 
We need something to lift us out of feeling like this and one solution we offer at Green Apple is the My Health for Life course. Over several sessions we learn to re-focus on our own health journey, to find the rituals and habits that will serve us well as individuals. 
There are certain criteria that you must meet to be able to do this course however if you do qualify you will be enrolled in the course ​~ funded by the government ~ with no gap payment from you. The value of the course is high, both in the group sessions as well as resources you will be entitled to. 
Charlie will be delivering his next My Health for Life course soon. If you attend our OPEN WEEK in May, you will be able to find out if you are eligible for this “free” course. 


We hope to see you at Green Apple during this OPEN WEEK from Monday May 13 till Friday May 17. The whole Green Apple team is working on it together to make it a very exciting, fun event and they hope to have your support. It would be lovely to see you bring guests to share your very special place. Click here for the Calendar of Events for our Open Week.
The Green Apple is truly unique and unless we share what we do it stays a secret. Our primary goal is to help people help themselves. We are the experts in exercise and health, and you own and live in a body that needs constant care. Together we can create miracles and we have so many stories to tell about these successes, members who have knuckled down and done their prescribed exercise and achieved wonderful outcomes. I have been in constant awe for decades. 
Some of us just live in our body and take it for granted. It is not till things catch up with us health-wise that we need experts to “fix” us. We usually need conventional medical care to help with this, and we will ALL need to start doing things with our body to help it stay functional, stable, and able, especially as we age. 
This is what Green Apple specialises in, caring for people and helping them take ownership of their body by providing each individual with a pathway to follow for THEIR best health and happiness journey. 
Victoria Gill
May 2024

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