Type 2 Diabetes (T2D) Education Course
Course Overview
This 8-week course is in addition to the five EPCs available per calendar year under Medicare and is bulk billed. It empowers you with the knowledge and understanding of how to manage your diabetes. Patients benefit most if they demonstrate a readiness to change, contribute to group processes effectively and have a potential for self-management.
Course Outcomes
Successful participants will come away with the ability to put into practice the strategies needed to help manage their type 2 diabetes with diet, lifestyle and exercise. They will not only know what they should do to achieve their goals but also how to go about it successfully.
This eight-week course provides the foundation for future consultations, one-on-one with a Diabetes Educator.
Course Participants
This course is designed for people who:
- want to know how to use exercise to manage their T2D
- want to learn about how to manage their T2D through diet
- want to manage T2D with lifestyle modifications by creating good habits
- are finding it difficult to lose weight
- respond to group activities
“I urge anyone who has just been told that they are pre-diabetic or diabetic, diet or medication controlled or even have been a diabetic for ‘years’ to take this course. You will find something that you didn’t know before.”
Course Content
- What is T2D? – Theory
- Lifestyle Modification Physical Activity – Theory
- Lifestyle Modification
- Healthy Eating – Theory
- Goal Setting
- Identifying Barriers and How to Overcome Them
- Physical Activity – Exercise and progressive overload
Course Details
Delivered by Exercise Physiologists Nathan Leung and Ben Norlander
Bulk Billed
Doctor’s Referral needed: Type 2 Diabetes Group Education
Link to the Type 2 Diabetes (T2D) Education Course Information and Referral Form.
Contact us for more information about upcoming course dates and times.