Members of the community interested in a program specifically designed for people with Type 2 Diabetes, and for pre-diabetes, are eligible to enrol in the classes at the Green Apple.
The Green Apple Wellness Centre in Bald Hills was given a small grant in 2011 to deliver the program which was designed by the internationally recognised BakerIDI Institute in Melbourne. This 26 week structured course was very well received “says the owner of Green Apple, Victoria Gill, and the participants gave it a big tick of approval, both in relation to ease of use and in the results achieved.”
The Green Apple has been providing shorter follow up Lift for Life Courses of eight weeks duration since 2011 and are now ready to deliver another full length course to involve people in lifestyle changes which will help with the management of type 2 diabetes, and reduce the risk of developing the condition.
“This course is also ideal for pre-diabetics who are often struggling with what they need to do to avoid full-blown diabetes” says Victoria. “We used to deliver the medical program, Reset Your Life, which was designed specifically for pre-diabetics but this was never promoted sufficiently and a lot of doctors did not know it was available so now we are broadening the scope and availability of the Lift for Life program to include people with a family history T2D and ‘borderline’ diabetics.”
Research indicates improvements in blood glucose levels of seven percent after three months and up to 14 percent improvements in 6 months on this structured strength training program.
The Lift for Life course requires you meet certain criteria, one of them being that you are prepared to commit to the program for 26 weeks. Since only 15 people will be chosen to do the full course, and data is gathered in relation to compliance and results, participants need to be genuine in their desire to improve their health.
Enhanced Primary Care plan referrals to the Exercise Physiologist at Green Apple and Private Health Fund rebates can help cover the small fees associated with the program. Payment for the course is spread over 26 weeks to make it accessible to pensioners and self-funded retirees.
The first step is to make an appointment to see Victoria or one of the Lift for Life trainers at the Green Apple to discuss why you want to enrol in this course and to find out if you will be eligible. For more information and to book your initial consultation (no charge), phone 07 3261 1249.