Hello Everyone
Beautiful weather and Brian and I having a day off at Lamb. Taking time out together after another crazy week. Wonderful to be alive!
I promised to give you more news regularly now as we wind up towards the opening day and today I will share more about what will be happening.
In the first week we will all be involved with settling you back onsite. No classes, either upstairs or in the Group Class area or any Wellness strength classes on equipment downstairs.
In week two I plan to start the Wellness group classes again. If there is sufficient interest. Darrol and Wanda will be phoning all participants to find out when they want to return. In the first few weeks the numbers for these classes will be capped. If you usually attend Heartgrooves/Steady Steps/Lift for Life or Lungs in Action and definitely want to be back in your class, please let us know so we can put your name on our post-COVID list
In week one, team members Nessa and Sonya at Reception and Trainers, Katrina, Loretta, Petrina, Wanda and Darrol will take turns to be on the gym floor making sure you are able to follow the new hygiene rules of wiping equipment at every use (which may be very tedious for some of you but is one of the conditions we must follow if we are to have you back onsite). John, the Team member in charge of “detailing”, will also be actively involved with both the educating of members as well as ensuring we keep the place clean and safe. He needs our help to meet the incredibly stringent criteria in hygiene and cleanliness. It will be a combined effort from all of us that will make the difference.
The Trainers on the gym floor will help with any concerns they can in relation to any problems with your exercises.
I plan to be around as much as I can outside the time allocated for my Clinic work. At present I take appointments Tuesday afternoons and all day Wednesday. For the past month I have been booked out seeing people who really need to have massage to help with a problem or problems.
Petrina will be available for limited massage appointments in week one, working in the Clinic on Tuesday morning.
The exercise physiologists Bridie, Charlotte and Sunny will continue to take their appointments as usual and continue to deliver their ZOOM sessions of My Health for Life and The Joint Movement (Arthritis Aust course for people with arthritis).
Bridie and Charlotte will continue to deliver the Health@Home service for those members who prefer to keep exercising at home at present. Other Health@Home trainers whom will still have members wanting to stay on their home exercise ie Katrina, Petrina and Wanda will need to be dividing their time between the online service and the onsite care of you.
As mentioned previously, on your first visit back you will be given the necessary COVID-19 information to read and to sign. At the same time we will show you the site plan which shows you how many people can go in any particular area.
More news tomorrow about when I plan to bring the Group classes back on, and what classes will be available.
Have a lovely weekend! If you are out and about between 7am and 10am on Sunday morning you might see me cycling back from Lamb, from Redland Bay ferry terminal to Capalaba and up and over the Gateway Bridge from Lytton Road then past the race course to Nundah, Virginia and Bracken Ridge.
Back ready to fight the good fight again!!