Open: Mon - Fri 5:30am to 7pm | Sat 7am to 12pm | Sun 3:30pm to 6pm | News and Events

Victoria’s Talk Time 08/08/21

Hello to all Green Apples

I really thought this lock down would be a knife edge decision between staying in lock down as a further safe guard, and opening up because the outcome of the current outbreak has been pretty incredible.

So the permission to open at 4pm today is fantastic and we will open the door right on 4pm for anyone whom wants to come in to access equipment and feel part of our community onsite again.
All our normal COVID-safe regulations will be in place, masks, QR code entry, physical distancing, sanitising areas you have contact with, big towels on equipment and hand cleaning.
The crazy thing is that our environment will be one of the safest areas outside of your own house. So don’t feel tentative about coming in again as soon as you can. The place is spotless thanks to John.

If you have an appointment booked with the exercise physiologists, with an exercise professional or for massage treatment, your appointment is still in the diary so you only need to contact us if there is some reason you cannot attend.

Wellness Groups, Heartgrooves, Steady Steps, Lungs in Action and Lift for Life as well as our DVA classes and the Exercise Right for Active Ageing class are back in action.

I want to thank our amazing Green Apple team for all the work done behind the scenes in the past week. It has almost been like Central Operations in a national emergency as we rolled straight into our Lock Down Management Strategic Plan which required contacting as many of you as possible, and providing the Physitrack service many if you had access to you in 2020, as well as preparing for a longer lock down and the provision of our Home Health online (or phone based) to hundreds of clients.

So if we go into lock down again, which is the last thing we want to be doing, you will know that everything has been planned to help every one of you to stay on track not only with your physical activity but also socially and mentally. And since the mind, brain and body are all so entwined and dependent on each other, we are all in such a good place together.

See you in gym!

Victoria's signature 2017 - Green Apple Wellness Centre

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