Hello Everyone
Well, today’s message will be very short and sweet because I plan to write a much longer one tomorrow giving you specific information about what will happen on your first visit back to the Centre.
We had a three hour full Team meeting today to address all the necessary COVID-19 compliance matters and how they would affect our day to day operations. We walked through what staff could all expect, what staff would all be required to do, what to tell people and what needs to be done differently for the next three weeks.
Nessa has done an excellent job on the COVID-19 facility site plan that you will all need to know about. We will display this colourful diagram on the website tomorrow with my blog which will explain what it is all about. In addition you will be able to download the obligatory COVID Waiver, which is a questionnaire that will ask you to read and sign your compliance to the rules and regulations we have to abide by currently. It is easy to read and understand. You only need to read and sign this on your first return visit to Green Apple. If you haven’t printed the form off at home, we will provide it for you when you arrive.
We are doing absolutely everything possible to have a safe and happy place for you to return to.
Check out tomorrow’s Victoria’s Talk Time on the website for some really detailed information.