Open: Mon - Fri 5:30am to 7pm | Sat 7am to 12pm | Sun 3:30pm to 6pm | News and Events

Victoria’s Talk Time 17/06/20

Hell Everyone

Two days into our Stage 2 opening and I think everyone is coping amazingly well. Thank you for all the wonderful comments we are getting about the look of the Green Apple and the feel of Green Apple.  I had to laugh when member, Karen Anderson, said to me “I tell people that everything is so clean and hygienic that’s you could eat off any surface!”. 

More of you are coming back in and just getting on with what you are able to do. Once you have been in on your “first visit” to do your COVID-19 questionnaire and hear how everything is running during Stage 2, you are able to pass through Reception pretty quickly

Remember the golden rule, if you are sick, stay home. That is just common sense really isn’t it?

Petrina has started doing some Remedial Massage again, doing only 4 appointments weekly on Tuesday mornings at present. Please note that Petrina’s RM are now $110 for Members and $120 do non-members.

I have been interviewing for another Team Member who will be part of our Remedial Massage Team in the Clinic. We have a lot of members who have birthday cards gifting them $20 towards their massage so if you are waiting to book in, I should have news for you soon.

Are you ready to take the plunge and return?

Victoria's signature 2017 - Green Apple Wellness Centre

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  • No structured exerciseStructured exercise 1-2 times per weekStructured exercise 3-5 times per weekStructured exercise 6-7 times per week