Hello Everyone
just letting you all know that we are open on the weekend again, on Saturday from 7am till 12noon and Sunday from 3.30pm till 6pm. This weekend was our first in 3 months!
At present Brian continues to open on Sunday.
Rostered currently on Saturday is Pat, who can provide any Allied Health information you might need, Wanda who will eventually be taking Pilates on Saturday, and Charlie, who is back helping on Reception as well as monitoring the gym floor.
Did you know that Charlie has completed his degree in sports science and is now doing his Masters to be an accredited Exercise Physiologist. We are all happy to see him back with us.
I want to thank the member who alerted us at Reception that we had someone in the gym who was unfamiliar with the Stage 2 rules.
To reiterate these regulations again,
1. Bring 2 towels and use them on equipment (always),
2. Wipe down contact sites on equipment with the wipes supplied
3. Use the hand sanitiser constantly
4. Most importantly, stay in the Zone you have chosen each time you attend i.e. one Zone only.
We know that some members do not have emails so we endeavour to stress the set rules when we talk to people coming in, so be patient with us if you have heard it all before.
I know that most of you are appreciative of all the efforts made to be compliant with the stringent criteria we have had to meet to be able to get you back exercising. Sad to say, the Team tell me they have had a few disgruntled people who don’t like the restrictions in place at present. It may not be what you are used to but at least you have access now to the equipment that you just don’t have access to at home, and you are doing your exercise in a very positive environment.
If we had not developed a strategic plan to comply with a Stage 2 “relaxation” to have more than 20 clients onsite at any one time, we could only have had 20 people here each hour until July 13 and that would have had to include any staff onsite. Just wasn’t feasible.
So the option was, to create 6 Zones then measure every area up for a 7 square metre people-allowance to determine how many of you could go into each Zone at any one time. And it IS working. I have had so many of you telling me that the exercises you used to do with no sore muscles are obviously doing their job because you can feel the muscles of your body, that little bit of soreness, telling you your body is responding in a positive way to the equipment.
Thank you to all members whom have been sending us supportive emails. We need this now. We are all much hyped up about having you back with us which is sweeping us along however we also have an underlying depth of fatigue accumulated during the 3 months of pivoting, transitional planning, experiencing very different types of work and workloads, plotting and planning, overcoming odds and training in new methods. It has been an amazing journey and we have all learnt a lot from the experience and we understand more about, and value more, our team mates.
The journey continues and will for some time. Decisions need to be made that will affect all of us. Even deciding what classes we will have when we return to Group Classes upstairs is still a tentative schedule only at this stage.
Feel free to communicate your preferences and/or ideas. My email address is [email protected].
You may not see a lot of me at present. I AM here but spend a full day Wednesday in the Clinic, plus half of Tuesday and then other appointments of many kinds currently. Be assured I am listening, to you and to any other valuable information and feedback coming from other sources including the Green Apple team.