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Victoria’s Talk Time 22/08/20

Hello Everyone

It has been some time since I felt that continuing this blog method of communicating with you all was absolutely essential. Today, with the news of the growing incidence of COVID cases at the Youth Remand Centre, I know we need to talk!

For the past few weeks I have been sharing my thoughts in our hard copy onsite newsletter weekly, and our monthly E-Newsletter and today I want to share with you again the restrictions we are fully adhering to at Green Apple.

We are still in Stage Three of the Queensland Government COVID regulations, and we are fully compliant with the very specific and rigid COVID-Safe Plan that Qld Health and our industry body, Fitness Australia, agreed to.

It is so important for you to know this and to focus on helping us keep our high standards intact for as long as we need to. If we maintain best practice by observing our current hygiene requirements (and this is why we are investing thousands of dollars in wet wipes to use on equipment as well as masses of hand sanitizer) we will be safer in our Green Apple environment than going into so many other public places.

One of the wisest comments I have heard in relation to our situation here in Australia is that we mustn’t be dragged into media hysteria being generated in response to what is happening in the USA and other places that haven’t been handling their situation well  and, in so many cases, appear to live in denial of the responsibilities we have within our community.

My belief now is we must help protect ourselves and each other while at the same time work diligently on building our strength, our “fitness” for living, our immune systems, our mental capacity and our emotional health.

This belief has been strengthened by the evidence I see and have listened to over the past two months. Again and again I have been told by members that the COVID closure has significantly negatively affected their health, their strength and their ability to do their daily tasks as easily as they used to. It came as a major shock to them. They knew that the exercise they were doing at Green Apple was a bit of a help with their general health but not to the full extent it had been. This only manifested once they couldn’t keep up their normal body-housekeeping that they were involved every week at “the gym”.

Quite apart from the body and physical health reasons we benefit from by coming to the Green Apple are the huge social, mental and emotional benefits that just walking onsite will give us.

1.  Resist being traumatised and frightened by the constant media barrage and focus on positive thinking tactics (my way to deal with this daily threat), and
2.  Invest in the best personal plan to keep yourself on track with your physical health which will then provide mental and emotional protection.

And remember, there is more than one solution in any given situation. If we ever do have to close again, we know we can still look after you through our HomeHealth online programming service. (I nearly wrote “there are more ways to skin a cat” then thought get “poor cat”!!)

So stay true to yourself!
See you in the gym!

Kindest wishes
Victoria's signature 2017 - Green Apple Wellness Centre

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