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Victoria’s Talk Time 23/06/20

Hello Everyone

Fantastic news for those of you who just can’t wait for classes to start up again. I have been wracking my brains to think of an alternative that could provide members with some group class work until we actually resume classes, and came up with the idea of using the television upstairs. When I explained what I wanted to Nessa, she got to work on it straight away and, with help from our IT Team member Luke Moore, has converted the Health@Home videos to something that can be burned onto a disk that can be fed into the new DVD player that Brian purchased yesterday. Sounds a bit like “the house that Jack built” doesn’t it?

Since members whom were on HOLD will have only been exposed to a small number of these videos there will be many new ones to trial and enjoy. So, what is the plan and the procedure to access the videos you may ask?

Step one, when you arrive at Green Apple enquire whether the upstairs zone can be used for a video. If no-one else has a video showing (each one is approximately 30 minutes duration), you can choose which one you want.
Step two, while in Reception you need to book into Zone 3, the upstairs room, and a Green Apple team member will come with you and start it up in the DVD player for you.

If you would like to arrange to attend with a few friends to do a video together (strict social distancing required) then you can book a time and a video by contacting us at Reception.

The whole in-house procedure is being finalised this morning so be prepared to wait till midday today for us to set it up properly. We also need to alert the Team in regard to what they need to do for you.  Please realise this is an effort to do something positive and provide an additional option for you so hopefully you will be patient with any teething problems.

July 15 is when our traditional classes are meant to start. Since nothing is certain in this COVID age and anything can happen, this is an interim and hopefully an effective intervention measure until we are able to return to the “norm”.

Listening to the ABC this morning has reminded me that the cold snap heading our way should be here with a vengeance tomorrow so rug up if you are an Earlybird. I find wearing layers is the best idea.

So many people returning tell me that they can’t believe how quickly their muscles have weakened or become soft during their time away from the strength equipment, despite any exercise they were able to do at home.  If you are like me, over 70 years old, it becomes so important to load our body progressively with strength work to “save” the muscle and bone from losses that will happen unless we intervene.  Remember to start with lighter weights when you return and work your way up to the resistance you were able to manage prior to COVID closure.

Everything is running smoothly and everyone is working well so don’t hold back. Come in and get into your essential “body-housekeeping”. It is always good to see you.

Victoria's signature 2017 - Green Apple Wellness Centre

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