Hello Everyone
Well, the time to have you all back with us is drawing closer and decisions still being made at government level will drive the conditions we need to meet. I am relying on the Premier’s announcement, expected this weekend, to provide me with the framework to finalise our plans.
I know many of you will still have concerns about going out in public. There has been so much emphasis on staying at home, and for people over 70 to isolate themselves completely. We will be doing everything to minimise the potential threat of attending the Green Apple. I want you to be able to use the equipment that is designed to provide you with the progressive overload in a way that is very hard to duplicate at home. We know how important it is to catch up with people we are used to having in our lives, and the Green Apple community has an energy and a life all of its own!
The interesting thing is that we may only have contact with our Green Apple buddies when we actually attend the Green Apple. That might be the extent of the relationship. But it is a very meaningful relationship because you all have a huge common goal, you are actually helping yourself towards fitness, strength and improving your health and auto-immunity.
This sets you apart from others in the community who rely on others to keep them well. Yes, we need our precious medical fraternity but at the end of the day, “If it is going to be, it’s up to ME”. I live by this motto and I love to have people around me whom invest in themselves.
That is the framework that Green Apple is founded on, providing a safe and supportive environment, whether it is onsite or through an online platform now, to guide people who want to be responsible for their life choices. Think about how COVID-19 has made so many of us evaluate how we live our lives. And what we could and should do. And the choices we have. Pre COVID-19 we may have lived most of the time falling back on our “default” habits without realising that the foods we choose in times of stress and the body-housekeeping physical activity we do, or don’t do, are really our default mode and not the choices we would make if we were actually taking charge of our lives.
So, we want you back soon to give you that strong foundation to build the rest of your life on. I see this whole COVID-19 event as the opportunity for us to really consider what is important to us, and what could possibly be more important than this body we live in, that enables us to do the things in life we want to, to be of service to others, to fully enjoy life and live independently as much as we possibly can.
As soon as we know what is happening and when we will open and what we can provide for you, you will hear through my Talk Time. We are as keen as you to reduce all the uncertainty. It has been hanging over us for weeks and everyone in the Green Apple Team have been doing everything they can to keep up their own spirits and to look after all of you whom chose to do the personalised online Health@Home service.
I will write again either tomorrow or Monday
My sincere wishes to all of you,