• Resolving Back Pain with Bottom Massage

    18th August, 2021 | by Victoria Gill

    When back pain starts to affect your activities of daily life and flow over into your recreational time, or even disrupt your sleeping time, you may turn to different solutions. The doctor may provide pain medication and muscle relaxants. The physiotherapist may use tens machines, ultrasound and joint mobilisation. The chiropractor may adjust the skeletal… Read more »

  • Shoulder Surgery, Exercises and Massage

    10th June, 2021 | by Victoria Gill

    The shoulder joint is so complex that it requires a complex management strategy if surgery is needed to help get the best outcomes.  The shoulder joint is a ball and socket joint like the hip joint and since they have different functions, the shoulder joint needs to have a laxity that the hip joint doesn’t… Read more »

  • Sensational – My Green Apple Journey

    10th June, 2021 | by Green Apple Wellness

    End of March 2019 It began, this sensational Green Apple journey. What an extra special journey it has been and I am positive that it will continue. Overweight and depressed I met with Victoria then onto Sunny showing me through the gymnasium and then a meeting with Darrol my gym buddy. Given my exercise program… Read more »

  • Blood Pressure Benefits from Exercise

    6th May, 2021 | by Victoria Gill

    Blog from Victoria When you have a widely fluctuating blood pressure that reflects your pace of life it is critical to find ways to help manage the peaks. Medication helps. Taking the right dose of medication is important because you don’t want to be taking a high dose if your blood pressure is in a… Read more »

  • Osteoporosis and your T-score

    12th April, 2021 | by Victoria Gill

    How to organise a bone density test? If you are over 70 you are eligible for a bulk billed Medicare funded test.  Follow this flowchart: Make an appointment with your doctor to discuss your concern Your doctor will provide a referral if a DEXA scan is considered appropriate Make an appointment to have the bone… Read more »

  • What I Wish I Knew about Total Knee Replacements

    18th March, 2021 | by Victoria Gill

    How do I prepare for total knee replacement surgery? Two actions you should take prior to having knee surgery is first to have remedial massage on the affected leg by a therapist experienced in preparing the soft tissue for surgery, and second to do appropriate strengthening, stretching exercises designed for you by an exercise physiologist… Read more »

  • Knee Replacements and Proprioception

    18th March, 2021 | by Victoria Gill

    One of the interesting things that I discovered the hard way, in relation to my Total Knee Replacements, is that when you have both legs operated on at the same time, it actually changes how your brain reacts to where your body is in space. That’s something I hadn’t discussed with my surgeon.  We talked… Read more »