Making time for you – Mindfulness
Several people have contacted me in the past couple of weeks to tell me they just can’t make time to do their exercise. I am probably the worst person to share this with because I am always going to look for solutions to this problem.
I was thinking about this matter as I was doing my step stepping exercises, of course for my knees (both knees totally replaced Nov 11 2016), and I was planning my day in my head. A long term member was exercising nearby and because I know he is also dedicated to his body-housekeeping I said to him “You know, I am working around all the tasks I must fit in today plus the arrival of my granddaughter for breakfast and I just think to myself that every second I spend looking after me with this exercise has a return in value so much greater than the time I spend”. I believe this to such a degree that it enables me to prioritise my life into what is truly important and what can wait.
But where is a good place to start?
The Green Apple has been known for tailored physical activity for decades, however many people may not be aware of the full scope of the programs and services available. Recent feedback from a member who has embraced her Green Apple Wellness Team of exercise programmer, dietitian, psychologist and healthy eating coach, shared her thoughts, “I have been kicking a few goals” which she attributes to “having a rounded approach with regards to weight loss and wellbeing. I have a way to go but I think I have surrounded myself with puzzle pieces that fit”.
Come along to our Wellness Day!
This Wellness Day (September 14) is aimed at providing more puzzle pieces to make up the big picture. Activities and presentations on Meditation, Yoga and breathing, body awareness and easing tension headaches, diaphragmatic breathing, and brain colouring all feature and we will be taking a break for lunch. It was fantastic to see all the different plates that were brought for the shared lunch last time.
Sharing a meal creates a real community atmosphere and brings people from all walks of life together—we all have to eat!