Open: Mon - Fri 5:30am to 7pm | Sat 7am to 12pm | Sun 3:30pm to 6pm | News and Events

The Weekly Bite – Monday 19th December, 2022 —Issue 2495

We all wish you a wonderful Christmas and hope that you are planning to come in when you can to keep your body in balance. This is the “make or break” time of year for all of us and hopefully we will all roll over into 2023 in good shape!

We are well staffed over the Christmas/New Year week in anticipation of seeing lots of you here so support the crew who are working over Xmas. Toni will also be rostered on to take massage appointments so think about having an end of year treat.
You will have been sent a Christmas schedule however if it didn’t arrive you can collect one at Reception.

Charlie will have done his 50 km run by the time you read this and, right now, I have all my fingers and toes crossed for him. It takes courage and so much determination to conquer these types of goals. Since I know exactly what it is like to put yourself on the line with a big, hairy goal, I willingly donated to Charlie’s chosen charity, Beyond Blue. It is not too late to give a small donation if you wish to (especially if Charlie actually achieved that 50km target!).  See us at Reception if you need help with this.

Pat’s recipe on the back page is spectacular and exactly the right contribution towards a Christmas party or a family get-together.

Our next newsletter will be available on Tuesday January 3. This week’s newsletter will contain our birthdays between now and early in the New Year. To all of you Happy Birthday as well as Merry Xmas!

When I was growing up, we had two Christmas birthdays in our family, my father was born on January 1, and the 6th child in our family, my younger brother, was born on December 31. Since we were usually holidaying at Christmas at our Bach (in New Zealand holiday houses are often called Bach’s) at a place called Lake Rotoiti in the South Island, present-buying opportunities were very limited. It was pretty isolated and once weekly, fresh bread was brought up by a small bus and everyone in the community lined up to buy the most beautifully fresh yummy bread. There was also one tiny little shop which sold bits and pieces of everything, and this is where I would go to buy my brothers present (we were young so this explains what I thought was a great present). What was it? Tins of sweetened condensed milk which he could puncture and slurp the contents. Gross? What memories we have of those years so very long ago!

Victoria's signature 2017 - Green Apple Wellness Centre


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