Open: Mon - Fri 5:30am to 7pm | Sat 7am to 12pm | Sun 3:30pm to 6pm | News and Events

My Health for Life Information Morning Tea

Join us for an Information Morning Tea where Tiffany will introduce you to
FREE government funded course for eligible participants, and check  your eligibility online

Conditions such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease and stroke, are often linked to lifestyle factors.
The My health for life program helps people reduce their risk of developing these types of conditions by showing how small lifestyle changes can have major health benefits.
It is about keeping your health on track to prevent future illness.

People aged 45 years and over who have been identified by a health professional as being at high risk of chronic disease, but not yet diagnosed with (which includes type 2 diabetes, heart disease and stroke).
People aged 18 years and over who are of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent who are at high risk of chronic disease.
Age 18 years and over with pre-existing conditions (E.g. previous history of Gestational diabetes or have been diagnosed with high blood pressure or
high cholesterol).

Program fast facts
♦  The program is free
♦  It is delivered by qualified health professionals in local areas
♦  It involves six sessions over six months – the time commitment required is not big
♦  The first session is a personalised one-on-one appointment
♦  The remaining sessions are in small groups

Please contact Green Apple Wellness Centre
Reception to RSVP on 
3261 1249




Request a fitting

Wellness Quiz

Let’s learn about your health goals!

Step 1 of 4

  • No structured exerciseStructured exercise 1-2 times per weekStructured exercise 3-5 times per weekStructured exercise 6-7 times per week