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The Weekly Bite – December 6, 2019—Issue 2356

Hi All

Nessa has made a great job of wrapping up our special Christmas offer this year. The towels are really lovely and the options of services that go with the towel gives you a great choice of things to do to help you in your health journey.  We have 30 packs available during December so don’t wait till the last minute or you might miss out.

We have had a massive post out of the Christmas gift we wish you all to receive this year. If you don’t receive yours in the post during the next week let Sonya know. She has been in charge of this huge task and, helped by most of the Team during the past week, has done an amazing job.

Have you planned how you are going to survive Christmas and New Year without blowing out with festive goodies and high energy drinks (which includes alcohol consumed at a greater rate than normal)?  This is the time of year that can sabotage all the hard work you have been doing during 2019. It is amazing how easily we can put on kilos and how hard it is to lose it after it has settled on the body. And the older we get the harder it gets!

I have my plans in place already. Since Brian and I will be taking the family, Petrina, Steve and the boys Rafael and Raul (17 in January can you believe it!) and Tristan (14) plus Jason and Jonathon (now 16) on a cruise to New Zealand, I have strategies for eating well and for exercising regularly. The whole idea is to experience some very essential family time and, at the same time, enjoy everything I eat and everything I do.

Good luck with your Christmas plans. Stay as active as possible and you will be able to enjoy all the goodies as I plan to.

Victoria's signature 2017 - Green Apple Wellness Centre


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