Hi All
Well, what do you think about the weather as we roll forward in October?
I definitely am thinking about the weather, and wondering how we are going to encourage you to venture into the pool if the solar heating is struggling to elevate the pool temperature! Member Michele Dix did her water exercises at Green Apple last week and pronounced the pool OK. However since I know that Michele is a water-Trojan and prepared to hop into the pool as a preferred exercise option, I will be waiting to hear from those of you who really want to be able to join the Aqua classes but are fearful of cold water. Be brave! Venture forth!
I used the cold pool during winter a few years ago as rehab exercise for my bilateral total knee recovery and my huge shoulder repair surgery. Challenging but once in the water I just went for it.
Recently Medscape emailed a paper on “Dive Right In! Cold Water Swims Bring Many Health Benefits” providing reasons why it is beneficial to exercise in cold water based on research in this field of study. Sonya is going to see if we can get the salient points into the newsletter for your interest. We hope to provide this soon.
Zach is getting ready to start his Splashing Good Time (group hydrotherapy) on Wednesday October 19. If you are going into this class, remember you have to have one 30 minute session with Zach prior to joining in so Zach can tailor your water exercise to your specific requirements. You can use EPCs or your private health fund rebate to help fund this PT session.
Are you getting “exercise-stale”? At Green Apple there are so many solutions to this problem. Member Elva has just enrolled into one of the government-funded courses and tells me it just helps with refreshing the reasons we do our exercise as well as providing some stimulus to enjoy everything more. Good on you Elva.
Check out what courses we are delivering currently, some fully funded options, as well as our in-house workshops which have a small fee. Bridie is doing miracles with the Secret Women’s Business workshop and I know her Knee workshop coming up will be very inspiring also.
With Christmas approaching we need to do anything and everything to keep motivated and adhering to our body-housekeeping. The older I get the more important it has become!