Open: Mon - Fri 5:30am to 7pm | Sat 7am to 12pm | Sun 3:30pm to 6pm | News and Events

The Weekly Bite – Monday 18th December, 2023 —Issue 2546

End of year greetings to everyone,

The team are gearing up for the end of the year festivities and plan to wear Christmas gear during the next couple of weeks. They are hoping that you will join in the fun and will be wearing something you feel will make everyone feel happy and in celebration-mode!

In our team meeting last Tuesday (we have this from 11am till 12noon), we spent an hour sharing what we have been doing in 2023, how we are feeling about our work and what we are looking forward to in 2024. We all had 3 to 4 minutes to speak and I think we all left that meeting feeling very buoyed up by having a team so focused on working well together, everyone sharing their feelings very honestly and making an effort to understand the personalities, the strengths of their fellow mates. The constant theme was how they felt about working in Green Apple and the opportunities they had to make differences in peoples life, and how supported they felt by others in the team. 

Pat, who has done a wonderful job behind-the-scenes in Allied Health Admin, was able to share her feelings about retiring on December 29. Pat has been training Sonya now for a couple of months to transition her into this important admin role. I think we were all emotionally affected by Pat’s very genuine sharing of how she felt about working at Green Apple, not only with all her fellow workmates but also all her interactions with members, and how much it had enhanced her life. The very strong message she has been able to send to all her fellow workers is how important their work is and how unique Green Apple is in every way. 

This Tuesday we will be having a “white elephant” activity and a few nibbles between 11 am and 12 noon to celebrate. Bridie, who is on maternity leave, will be bringing her two young boys with her, and member Louise Rose, who will join the team in February 2024, will be coming along also. It may be noisy once we all get together!

The wonderful thing for me, and for Brian, is that we have created a bonded work-family whom we share our lives with. So many inherently good people, and that it is this camaraderie and work-bonding that enables them to look after you all so well. That’s what it is all about really isn’t it?


Victoria's signature 2017 - Green Apple Wellness Centre



PS just reminding any associate members who usually attend Wellness groups, you can keep coming over Christmas/New Year to do your program (or join in a class) as long as you have your 10 session card marked off. 


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