Hi All,
We are so lucky to have a dietitian on site to help with our health journey in relation to what we eat. Our Green Apple Dietitian, Loretta Howard, is an amazing listener. Rather than handing out diet plans to individuals, she wants to know what you are doing currently so she can help you tailor your diet for your greatest benefit. Loretta understands we all have preferences and old habits die hard.
Some members have told me that they have seen Loretta and that they were happy to know what they were eating was healthy, and it was portion size that needed adjusting.
Our body requirements change as we age. Growing bodies require food that will help develop good bones and functional muscles and blood vessels that are clear of rubbish. Then through our 20s 30s 40s we need to keep these muscles, bones and circulation in good condition. Once we get to our 60s 70s 80s or 90s, we have greater need to plan what we eat because generally our calorie needs drop significantly and every bite counts. We are definitely losing vital tissue during these years, so protein becomes important at every meal.
Loretta Howard can help you identify the foods that have the minerals, vitamins and levels of protein, carbohydrate and fat we need at any stage of our lives. If you have Private Health Fund extras, a visit with Loretta will be enlightening as well as great value. And if you are older than 60, this session could be an eye-opener!
Did you know that you can bring a family member or a friend to Green Apple as your guest if they want to see what it is all about? So many people are fearful of going to a “gym” because they have mental images of the people who will be there, and the activities and loud music they might be exposed to.
We know that there are people in the community who are looking for an environment like Green Apple, to be able to exercise safely and make some friends and have a bit of fun. A two week Guest Pass is a wonderful introduction to the friendly community that you all create here. If this interests you, and there is someone keen to accompany you, we ask you to be the Host or Hostess and bring them with you to do your program or attend a class. Your guest will not be authorised to come in without you, and they need to be guided and looked after by you while they are on site.
Guest Passes can be arranged at Reception. It is our way of providing a trial for interested community members and the only way this can be accessed is if they know a member who will bring them along.
Are you hydrated? One way to find out is to book in for a Maltron test this week!