Hi All
Thank you to everyone who played a part in our successful Men’s Health Week! What a buzz and what a huge effort it has been from the Green Apple team!
Even though we all played a part in what was going on, I do have to mention key Staff whom really made a difference. Katrina and Nessa particularly created an atmosphere of enthusiasm and fun.
Katrina was instrumental in setting up the schedule of what we were going to be doing and whom helped the team pull all the ideas together. This planning was done at short notice and was critical to its success. Katrina, Sonya, Nessa and Pat gave up time in their weekend to come onsite to set up the gazebo in the courtyard and all the chairs, equipment needed for the Presentations on Monday. Nessa was in, boots and all, from the start and organised so much of the promotional materials, and generally made sure that anybody who was actively involved in the event knew what they were doing, and when.
Volunteer Shirley McGregor delivered an amazing morning tea (or Brunch) on Monday. Other Volunteers, Cheryl, Elva, Desley and Lexie were great help on Monday too
And Charlie, who doubted his ability as a Speaker, did a great job doing his My Health for Life speech at Green Apple on Monday, at Samford Men’s Shed on Tuesday and Redcliffe Men’s Shed on Wednesday. John supported Charlie at his offsite talks and also helped the team wherever needed onsite.
We will announce the Winners of any prizes and the Hamper in next week’s newsletter so, until then,