Hi All
I need your help to finalise the Summer Group Class schedule. We plan to deliver this from October 10, not the week before which is a short week due to the public holiday on October 3. I am really hoping the weather will settle down by then as we roll out the Aqua classes and the Splashing Good Time Class again. We know some of you can’t wait!
Check the Reception notice board for the proposed Summer schedule and, where we ask for an Expression of Interest, please add your intent.
We are hoping to be able to provide an evening Aqua class for those of you whom are employed through the day or have caring responsibilities etc and unable to attend daytime classes. I need to know how much interest there is in a 6pm time slot Wednesday evenings. The hurdle is that I must have at least 8 names on the list to be able to provide this class because there are all sorts of reasons why people can’t attend every week and I don’t want numbers dwindling to two or three participants.
The proposed Aqua schedule will be
Mondays 10am
Wednesday 6pm
Thursday 9am
Saturday 11am
(the only other time slot available on Saturday being 7.15am which is a bit tough on a weekend if people want a sleep-in!).
The Splashing Good Time class is a Hydrotherapy class which requires people have a clinical water program individually designed specifically for their needs, and which they will do in a small group setting under the supervision of exercise physiologist Zach. This class is a specialised class and numbers will be limited. Whereas the conventional Aqua classes at Green Apple are “free” for full members (non-members pay $20), the Splashing Good Time class has a fee of $6.50 for members (casual rate $20). The Splashing Good Time class will be Wednesdays at 9am.
Thank you member Pam Bird for feedback on these classes. If any other member wants to send me an email to [email protected] I will happily respond.