Open: Mon - Fri 5:30am to 7pm | Sat 7am to 12pm | Sun 3:30pm to 6pm | News and Events

The Weekly Bite – Monday 20 January 2025—Issue 2600

Hi All

Australia Day falls on Sunday this year and consequently we will have a public holiday on Monday, January 27. Since Brian and I are away for two weeks catching up on a cruise left over from Covid days, John has very kindly offered to open the Centre to provide you access to Green Apple. The hours will be 6 am till 10 am and the pool and the gym will be available to you. No Group class because Brian will not be here but I do hope you will try to come in. 

You may have heard through the grapevine that Exercise Physiologist Nathan will be with us only until the end of January.  Nathan’s fiancé has completed her uni studies and has accepted a position in Mackay this year.  Nathan will be joining her there and will take up a new exercise physiology position. 

I know we will be very sad to see him move on, however I can only wish him well because he has developed hugely as an Allied Health professional in the time he has been here, is an impressive young man, a listener, a caring individual and a very thoughtful programmer. We have all been his “teacher” and he has been prepared to take on everything we have presented him with!

We will be welcoming our new Exercise Physiologist, Josie Mathieson, this week. All the exercise physiologists will be playing a part in the orientation and induction of Josie into the world of Green Apple client servicing. Charlie, Nathan, Ben and Bridie have all selected the areas of training they want to provide for Josie, and Bridie has been updating the allied health exercise physiology Standard Operating Procedure Manual (SOP). 

There is so much for any new team member to learn when first employed at Green Apple. I founded this business in 1980 and we have been evolving into the Wellness Centre that you know of today. There are a multitude of processes, procedures, admin roles, and responsibilities, client care processes and, of course, a constant need for professional development to remain current and cutting edge in our field of exercise prescription and delivery. 

I do hope you will welcome Josie and wish Nathan the best! 

Victoria's signature 2017 - Green Apple Wellness Centre


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