Hi All
Did you know that we have special supervised sessions on the gym floor with a very specific purpose? One of our members brought to our attention that they had been struggling with their new program, and remembering some of the exercises in it, and when they were told that there are allocated times for any Member to come in to have help and some additional supervision of what they are doing in the gym floor, they were surprised. They also said that the group of people whom they have coffee with regularly were also unaware that this was available. So I thought that talking about the Stay Strong Longer session would be a good topic to put in the editorial of the newsletter at this week.
The Stay Strong Longer session evolved from my passion to see people take ownership of their own program and to be able to do it well and confidently. We have so many members whom are referred to the Green Apple by their doctor for medically prescribed exercise to be designed by an accredited Exercise Physiologist. And so many of these referrals are for people who have no experience of exercise programs which require using equipment, or any “training” experience in using their body correctly. And, just as important, who actually understand the discipline needed to create the habits and the rituals to stick to the exercises. Our job, the Exercise Physiologists job, is to identify what exercises are going to be necessary for each individual person to address specific medical conditions and/or issues. We are the experts in this. The job of the whole Green Apple team is to help members help themselves and this means we have to help you take ownership of your program, of what you do, and to encourage you to come in to do your exercise as often as needed. Only then do we help you achieve the results, the positive outcomes.
My brain works constantly on anything that we, within the business, can do to deliver the services we provide as effectively as possible while also encouraging all of you to see the Green Apple as your special place, a place where you make friends, where you feel safe, where you achieve greater health and happiness than you would if you weren’t attending Green Apple. The Stay Strong Longer (SSL) session on Tuesdays and Saturday morning are available to all of you, however they are most useful if you are new with your first program, or a longer-term member with a new, unfamiliar program to learn. The plan is to provide additional sessions of SSL from May this year. Find out more at Reception