Open: Mon - Fri 5:30am to 7pm | Sat 7am to 12pm | Sun 3:30pm to 6pm | News and Events

The Weekly Bite – Monday 24th July, 2023 —Issue 2525

Hi All

It is wonderful to see the response we have had to my request on “expressions of interest” for a Tai Chi class. When I checked the list on the reception noticeboard I see that that we have 18 members whom could be interested.

The day and time we are thinking about providing this Tai Chi class is 10am on Wednesday mornings. Sonya tells me that some of you may wish to have an evening class because you will be unable to attend in the daytime. If you have put your name on the board and will be time-restricted, could you enter your preferences so we can make further decisions in relation to rostering the Tai Chi class.

Numbers will be capped at 12 participants and we may even limit the class to 10 participants initially. If the demand is there we can consider more than one class weekly so provide me as much information as you can. Thank you to those of you whom have already contacted me by email.

One of the queries I am getting is will there be a cost to the class and, if so, what will the cost be? Yes, there will be a small cost when we introduce Tai Chi since it is an activity which is outside out employee’s skill sets and needs to be provided by an accredited Tai Chi instructor whom has expenses such as insurance etc.
The amount is under consideration at present and it will be no more than the current charges for Yoga. Yoga for members is $6.50.

Brian is in the process of making a lighter bar for the squat rack area which will have a the capacity to utilise the original weight plates rather than the Olympic bar and weights. This will enable the Exercise Physiologists access to exercises in the squat rack area for a larger number of members. So far, we have three members who have applied for authorised use in the squat rack area. These members do understand that if the Exercise Physiologists have clients who require the use of the Squat Rack that they need to share this equipment.

You may have noticed our new staff member, Tristan Oliver, on reception during the last couple of weeks. Tristan will be working Monday Wednesday and Thursday evenings and he has had wonderful comments from both staff and members whom have had contact with him. Lovely to hear.  Welcome Tristan!

Victoria's signature 2017 - Green Apple Wellness Centre




















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