Hi All,
What a week we had for Men’s Health Week 2023!
Great presentations on Monday from Charlie (Exercise Physiologist), Loretta (Fresh Perspective Nutrition & Dietetics), Nicole (Hiatus Psychology) and Neal (Moreton Bay Prostate Cancer Support Group) and special guests, Luke Howarth MP and Cr Sandy Landers, followed by a lovely Morning Tea.
The Daily Challenges throughout the week (winners results below), the FREE Classes, the demonstrations and the 90 odd people who completed the FREE Health Checks and approximately 36 people registered to do the My Health For Life FREE program (making lifestyle changes, goal setting, fresh new outlook), made for an exciting week in the centre.
PLUS everyone that did the Health Testing got an entry into the massive Hamper to win….. The Winner was announced on Facebook but for those who don’t follow us or don’t have Facebook, the winner was….. Jenny Swift – HUGE Congratulations.
Thank you to all those who participated and showed your support – Men’s Health is important.
Cheers Nessa