Open: Mon - Fri 5:30am to 7pm | Sat 7am to 12pm | Sun 3:30pm to 6pm | News and Events

The Weekly Bite – Monday 29 April, 2024 —Issue 2564

Hi All

On the back of this newsletter, you will find the winter schedule for Group Classes as well as the new schedule for Stay Strong Longer sessions. The Group Classes which we deliver upstairs have not changed greatly, and the Stay Strong Longer sessions have grown from two times weekly to five times weekly and are delivered on the gym floor. 

Aquarobics is now off the schedule and will resume when the weather heats up in Summer. Since the pool is solar heated, if we have sunny weather the water in the pool stays a nice temperature and the pool cover keeps that heat in. If you wish to do your water-walking or general exercises in the pool, let us know at Reception and we will roll the pool cover back for you. 

One class returning to the Group Class schedule, Tai Chi, will now be “free” to full Club members. I feel that this class offers a lot of benefits to a large section of our member base. It will focus on mindful use of your body, good breathing techniques, help with balance and will be delivered at a pace you can control. If you have never done anything in the Group Class schedule previously then this might be just the right level of activity for you. 

In last week’s newsletter I explained what our Stay Strong Longer classes are all about and why we provide them. I feel so strongly about providing supervision for you on the gym floor to address anything that may cause more damage to your body because of the way you are doing your exercise, to address “progression and overload” properly so you don’t waste your time, and importantly to provide you with a person to ask things about if you are not clear about your program or you have forgotten something. If you need this help, then I ask you to come along to the times set up specifically for you. It is no use anyone wafting around on the gym floor not feeling confident with THEIR program. 

Check the days and times Stay Strong Longer is rostered and come on time, report to the class leader, take advantage of this extended help. 

Victoria's signature 2017 - Green Apple Wellness Centre



We have a huge OPEN WEEK ahead of us next week. We really need your support to make the most of everything we have organised. 





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  • No structured exerciseStructured exercise 1-2 times per weekStructured exercise 3-5 times per weekStructured exercise 6-7 times per week