Open: Mon - Fri 5:30am to 7pm | Sat 7am to 12pm | Sun 3:30pm to 6pm | News and Events

The Weekly Bite – Monday 3rd July, 2023 —Issue 2522

Hi All

One of the workshops we have coming up, is Bridie‘s Secret Women’s Business. This is all about our pelvic floor and why it is so important and how we can keep it as functional as possible. Actually it is essential knowledge or information for any person regardless of gender. Most people think that the pelvic floor area is specific to women however the exercises that can be done for the pelvic floor should be something we all practice.

Understanding our pelvic floor becomes super-important to all women because we are designed to have babies and our pelvic floor may be challenged during our lifetime in a fashion not experienced by men. It can be challenged during child bearing years and then it may become weak and less than functional post menopause. So, to all our lady members, regardless of your age, this workshop is a “must”!

The Secret Women’s Business course has been brought forward to Friday July 7 and 14 since Bridie will be going on leave soon.

Again, thank you to every member who participated willingly in our Men’s Week. One great outcome of this special week was the opportunity to take our message outside Green Apple with Presentations by Charlie, supported by John Joyce, at Men’s Sheds. Charlie did a great job, he enjoyed it after initial jitters, so we are looking for more venues we can go to with the purpose of encouraging anybody and everybody to do their “body-housekeeping”. (Note: read about “body-housekeeping” in my blog in this month’s Green Apple E-newsletter which you should have received by email last week).

If you belong to a group, could be any group from Zonta, U3A, to an interested gardening group, and you would like one of us to deliver a talk on some Wellness topic, we would love to get out into the community more to share our knowledge.  And it is a sharing experience not a “preaching” or “you should be doing this” message. Whenever I public speak I want to know what people really want to hear, not just what I want to feed them.

I know that so many of our members are Green Apple advocates and really believe in what we are all doing here together and this is why I ask you to spread our word, it might be with your doctor, it might be with your peers in a group you belong to. Let Sonya or Nessa know if you can help.

Victoria's signature 2017 - Green Apple Wellness Centre





















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