Open: Mon - Fri 5:30am to 7pm | Sat 7am to 12pm | Sun 3:30pm to 6pm | News and Events

The Weekly Bite – Monday 6th February, 2023 —Issue 2501

Hi All

The weather has been so steamy lately that I hope you are all drinking as much fluid as you possibly can. I know that when I ride to Lamb, it is absolutely essential to keep replacing the fluid that I lose in this hot weather. I am writing this on Thursday February 2 and, since I plan to leave the Centre by 12 noon to ride for at least 3 hours without a stop to get to Redland Bay, I am very aware of what I will need to do regarding rehydrating.

I have had requests for an Aqua class at 6 am any weekday morning and I have finally been able to arrange to have a 30-minute class on at 6 am on Monday mornings. The first class will be held on Monday, February 6, and we will run these early water classes for the next seven weeks. Charlotte is a wonderful class teacher and she will be your instructor and will deliver this class before she does her popular Power Half Hour class in the Forever Active area. Thank you Charlotte!

Loretta Howard, our resident dietitian, has written a great article for this newsletter. Loretta is a great listener and the ideal person to have an appointment with. If you want to tailor YOUR needs in regards to diet to your specific goals, then talking to someone trained and up to date is almost priceless. There has been so much research in this field of diet that it’s almost beyond the average person to take it all in, let alone understand how to apply it.

We will be posting out a letter early next week to all members on the direct debit payment method. It is time for our usual annual CPI increase which will actually take place on Thursday, February 23. When you receive your letter, it will provide for you the price amendment pertinent to your particular membership. As everyone knows at the moment, the cost of running any business or any household has escalated significantly and since I want to be able to keep Green Apple a viable and sustainable business for all of you, I need your support.

Keep up the great work with your exercise in this extremely hot weather, and stay hydrated!

Victoria's signature 2017 - Green Apple Wellness Centre








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