Hi All
I have had great reports from the Green Apple Team about how well you have all handled what needed to be done from December 17.
Loretta reported to me about how you were all coping with the processes we have put in place to do our vaccination status tracking.
“We have had no issues this morning with members showing their Covid vaccination status. I asked all the members to queue while I checked their phone, put the sticker on their history card and signed the attendance card. No gripes, everyone happy to do this. Darrol and I also helped Charlie while he was on Reception and no issues and did not hear of any problems right up to the time I left at 11 am”. I would like to thank you you all so much for making the job we have to do as stress-free as possible.
Now we have the matter of mask wearing looming. Since we only have vaccinated people onsite, we have some leeway in this matter and it is not mandatory within the Green Apple yet. Our outdoor areas (with the spacing we should all still be observing) are considered fairly safe and when we are using areas inside, equipment is well spaced and generally we can maintain distances appropriately. I would strongly encourage mask wearing if you have any concerns about attending Green Apple to do your exercise. If you are close to other people, you can pull your mask up and when in outdoor areas and no-one is near you, you can uncover your mouth and nose. Better to have peace of mind than hibernate at home. I think the Green Apple will be one of the safest places you will be able to go to in the next few weeks.
Everyone employed at the Green Apple received a Secret Santa gift last Tuesday. Charlotte came up with the idea and then organised everything. Our usual Team meeting time is between 11am and 12noon on Tuesdays and on December 14 we used this time to get together. Pat did an amazing job with the decorations and created a beautiful, colourful festive table. We were asked to spend $20 on the person we were secretly given and the gifts were wide and varied. All of us brought something to eat to share and the table was literally groaning. (And thank you member Hazel for your very yummy fruit mince pies!).
I looked around that table and I thought to myself that 40 odd years ago there was just me at Green Apple and now the room was jam packed full of dedicated and invested people working within the business. How lucky are we all to have achieved what we have and how determined we must all be now to preserve what we have. All of us!