Open: Mon - Fri 5:30am to 7pm | Sat 7am to 12pm | Sun 3:30pm to 6pm | News and Events

The Weekly Bite – Monday June 7, 2021—Issue 2417

Hi All

The COVID news from Victoria is not good, particularly in relation to the variant of the virus that is being spread currently. I feel so sorry for Victorians because they certainly have done it so tough in comparison to us here in Queensland. This outbreak should make us all realise how important it is for us to continue to observe social distancing and to use the sanitisers and wash our hands at every opportunity when we are out in the community.

Are you continuing to wipe down the equipment after you use it, and is your workout towel large enough to cover the surfaces that you sit or lie on? Some of our members feel very particular about this and their feeling is driven by their community spirit and their wish to be protected and to protect others. So please continue to observe the procedure of wiping the parts of the machines etc that you have had contact with after you use it.

For those of you who feel a “before use” wipe down is also needed, I would like you to take stronger measures yourself ie continue to do both before and after wipe-downs plus consider wearing gloves (supplied at Reception).  If we all take measures that we deem appropriate, even though this may differ from member to member, we will be being very accountable to our own standards without making  judgements. Most important of all is that we come in and do our exercise and continue to support each other.

Natalie Godbold whom is delivering the Yoga Fusion class is loving her experiences within Green Apple. Nat has just completed a weekend module on Seated Yoga and was amazed at how much people can achieve on a chair that is not always possible on the floor because of joint restrictions. Nat plans to bring some Seated Yoga into her Tuesday 6am class to introduce something different for her very supportive Earlybird tribe.  Remember if you want to attend the Yoga Fusion class, you must register (see the notice board in Reception). Class numbers 16. You MUST phone and cancel your reservation if you can’t come so we can contact anyone waiting on the Standby List.

Our ESSA Exercise Right for Active Ageing class (government co-funded course trying to get community members in the 65 plus demographic to do essential “body-housekeeping” exercises) will have funding available until the end of this year. If you have friends and family in this age category who would like to give it a go, tell them about it. Great opportunity to do an hour of tailored supervised exercise weekly to trial whether this helps with their activities of daily life AND provides some interesting social interaction.

Toni, my valuable massage team member, is now available for appointments on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday afternoons plus Saturday mornings.

From Monday June 7 we will be providing a QR sign-in to the Centre, rather than having to record your names, and will only need to record the names of people coming in whom don’t have a Smartphone. Once signed in electronically you need to display your phone to staff on Reception. These new steps are in compliance with government expectations.

Temperature-taking from June 7 will be put on pause and will be re-activated when necessary.


Victoria's signature 2017 - Green Apple Wellness Centre


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  • No structured exerciseStructured exercise 1-2 times per weekStructured exercise 3-5 times per weekStructured exercise 6-7 times per week