Open: Mon - Fri 5:30am to 7pm | Sat 7am to 12pm | Sun 3:30pm to 6pm | News and Events

The Weekly Bite – Monday March 8, 2021—Issue 2405

Hello All,

Well, wonderful news for our Yoga group. When we had to say farewell to Sharon Bryce last Saturday it looked pretty grim in relation to being able to provide an ongoing Saturday class. I spent three weeks sourcing every possible avenue for a replacement Yoga teacher whom would be a good fit for our long term Yoga participants. Absolutely no success until finally on Thursday March 4, Lezley Stewart decided she was able to free up the time to attend on Saturday mornings. 

Lezley was my first choice as a replacement and previously attended a class delivered by Sharon at Green Apple when she knew of the position available. Lezley felt very comfortable with the format and she observed the obvious enjoyment and bonding of the Green Apple participants. At the time she didn’t feel able to commit because of a personal commitment already made. 

This commitment will not affect Lezley’s availability until April 24 and the period it will affect will be five weeks. So we discussed it fully and decided rather than pull the pin on the class completely, we would start on Saturday March 13 and see how we go. 

For the five weeks that Lezley is unavailable on the Saturday morning she is prepared to take the Yoga class on Sunday at 4pm so the Yoga group will still have a weekend class to attend, and then revert to the usual 8.30am time on Saturday from mid May. 

If you usually do Yoga at Green Apple I am hoping that you will be happy with this arrangement. I kid you not, my only alternative was to stop providing Yoga for the foreseeable future so I just persevered through thick and thin to get this organised.

I have phoned every Yoga participant whom I believe attends class to let them know what is happening and I apologise if I have left anyone out. If you wish to attend Yoga on Saturday March 13 at 8.30am phone the Centre and let them know. Members pay $6.50 to attend Yoga and non-members, $18. 

Have you met our newest Team member, Rachael?  We are all very happy with her contribution to our Team. She is learning everything super-fast and is like a sponge,  gathering information from every angle.

I am always so careful when selecting someone to join us on the Team. There has to be something special about them, and they need to be fully invested in our culture and philosophies. At present we are sourcing a new exercise physiologist to replace Bridie during her maternity leave commencing in June 2021. I would like to have the new exercise physiologist onboard by April so Bridie can have her competent in Green Apple service delivery by the time she has the baby. 


Victoria's signature 2017 - Green Apple Wellness Centre










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