Hi All
Well, all these short weeks are catapulting the year forwards at an incredible pace! Yes, Aqua classes are now in abeyance until later in the year when the weather heats up again. The water is still warm enough much of the time if you still want to do your exercises in water however it is not consistent enough to be able to schedule group classes, and numbers have dwindled significantly.
I am still working on our Winter Group Class schedule and I will have definite news soon. At present the plan for our Earlybirds, 6am, is to keep Monday, Wednesday and Friday in place and to make changes to Tuesday and Thursday in an attempt to give you something new. If all goes to plan, Loretta will do her classes on Thursday morning and we will have a new offering on Tuesdays 6am that I feel very excited about. The anticipated start date is Tuesday May 11 so keep an eye out for confirmation on the notice board, and the newsletter coming out on Monday May 11.
Evening classes are really challenging currently. Please be patient with me, and help me by expressing your interest in possible classes. I have had interest in a Yoga class on Tuesday night at 5.30pm. Any takers for this?
Toni is back on deck for massage appointments, keen as mustard to help you.
I have been run off my feet with appointments so I know there is a huge need for soft tissue work. If you have had surgery, plan to have surgery, having a soft tissue “audit” is critical. You would be amazed at what can be found on your body that, when addressed, can make a so much difference to how you feel and what you can do. Having a gift of hyper-sensitive hands keeps me still enthralled in what can be achieved. Forty years’ experience also certainly helps.
And Toni is following in my footsteps!