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The Weekly Bite – Thursday 2 January 2025—Issue 2598

Hi All

Another new year is in front of us! Brian and I hope that you had a happy and relaxing time during the Christmas period and that you are now ready to welcome everything that 2025 will bring. 

I was listening to the ABC in the lead up to New Year’s Eve and they were talking about how to sustain any new year resolutions we make. The “expert” in this matter shared information on how successful people were in general. The critical issue seemed to be the difficulties people experienced in adhering and complying with the changes they planned to make. Since so many resolutions related to “losing weight” and “improving health and well-being”, I was interested to hear that most resolutions in this area fail by January 12! 

Shock horror!

I believe that it is impossible to commit to any resolution if we haven’t a better understanding of WHY it is important to make the changes and HOW MUCH we want those changes on a personal level. New studies provide me with a couple of quotes, “Exercise mitigates the negative impact of sleep disturbances on emotions” and “Commit to your physical activity today for the health you want to have tomorrow”. 

Further studies on sleep also indicate how important good sleep is as we age so perhaps we need to commit to:

  1. how we will introduce the most effective physical activity for best health outcomes
  1. evaluate our sleep needs and create a plan to achieve better quality bed-time.

So, back to the matter of very poor compliance in adhering to our New Year Resolutions! January 12 is a very sad date if that is how long it takes for so many to face failure! 

One way to extend this date is to enrol in the My Health for Life (MH4L) course which we deliver at Green Apple. This is a theory-only course that provides you with thoughtful material which helps you help yourself. And you do it with others who are also on the journey to help themselves which is super-powerful. 

Note: When I read this to Brian, he said that maybe a crucial part of the process will be to do this MH4L course. 

Even if you have done MH4L previously, a second sitting will re-enforce your good intentions. 

Find out at Reception the date we commence the next MH4L course. Find out if you are eligible for this FREE course. Enrol if you are eligible and Just Do It! It might make all the difference to how you cope with, and enjoy, 2025!

Victoria's signature 2017 - Green Apple Wellness Centre





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