Hi All
On the T.V. news Saturday night on Channel 9, January 13, there was extensive coverage of how to get fit and healthy without the gym. This made me realise that I need to explain why we provide the services we do at the Green Apple and why we are so different from other “places”. It is possible to participate in free physical activity under certain circumstances and conditions however it is not possible for the majority of Green Apple clientele to achieve this. The focus of free programs are on activities that any young and healthy person can enrol in like running, walking, possibly riding a bike or swimming, bush walking etc. And I really encourage people to do this if they can. Any physical activity that mobilises us, makes us sweat, uses our body as it should be used is wonderful and I have done plenty of this through the years.
So why do we provide physical activity at the Green Apple and charge people to attend to do specific exercises. Why bother? Is it just to earn money? Or, as some people in the community seem to think, to “rip off the consumer”. I don’t think so!
After 40 years of ownership and running the Green Apple, I continue to invest a huge amount of time (and funding) to ensure that we provide specialised prescriptive exercise for people who either don’t want to, or can’t, do “free” exercise without supervision. Our core business is tailored physical activity and providing a wide choice of “exercise as medicine”.
60% of our clientele have either been referred by doctors on a Medicare referral for physical activity to manage a specific health condition (or multiple conditions) or referred post-rehab programs for heart surgery, knee or hip replacements etc. Another 20% of our clientele come through a “medical health” pathway using their private health fund (i.e. they are not a Medicare referral but they still have health reasons motivating them to exercise).
If you have ended up at the Green Apple to help manage your health and happiness, pat yourself on the back! There are thousands of people out in the community who should be doing what you are doing but they either don’t know about us or they just struggle getting their priorities right.
This year Australia Day falls on a Friday so some of you will have a bonus long weekend. Brian and I open from 6am till 10am and I will be taking some water exercise classes, one at 6am and another one at 9am. Check the noticeboard for more information because I will be limiting the class numbers for each class to 10 participants. Put your name down on standby. If the list is full, I would strongly advise you come along anyway because there are always on-the-day cancellations.
Final call for members who want to lose weight, or eat well. The Healthy Eating and Active Lifestyle course commences this week. If you don’t make the first session, Bridie will catch you up on the second session. It takes courage to enrol in this course because it makes you accountable to get results. Be Brave!. Enrol!
Have you been watching the show on ABC T.V. 8pm Tuesday nights, How to Stay Young? The final session (of 3) will be on this Tuesday, January 23. Member Esther Alton alerted me and I watched the first session on the ABC iView app., then the second one last Tuesday night. It is really worth watching even if you have to go back and find it on iView.