Hi All,
I am writing up my records on my progressive recovery post surgery in relation to my total knee replacements (TKR) and how it felt, what medication I took and what I managed to do during the slow recovery after this major surgery. I kept a diary during the days and weeks post surgically because I knew I would want to remember it all accurately so I could help others going through the same process.
I had always heard that knee replacements were quite challenging because the pain level and dysfunction post surgery was “very painful and the exercises made it so much worse”. So I went into it as strong and fit as possible with my eyes open but it never really prepares you for the reality of it all.
Now I want to help as many people as possible through the process. I found the rehab in hospital was very generic one-size-fits-all approach and I am glad I experienced it because I know we can provide a much better pathway once people get out of hospital and the live-in rehab.
I had to tailor my own journey and have had excellent results. I was amused to hear from one of our returning members that when she had physiotherapy treatment after her single leg TKR, she told the physio that she was returning to the Green Apple for her exercise and he said “Oh, Victoria, yes we had her for her rehab physio and she did extremely well but she didn’t take direction very well”. Not only was I amused at the comment but also for the fact that the physios actually gave me a couple of sheets of exercises to do and then barely came near me. I wonder why??
I would like to share with you some very kind feedback I received this week from another member (who had her single leg TKR replacement 3 weeks ago) the day after I had seen her for 30 minutes massage treatment to reduce the swelling and facilitate joint movement.
“Hi Victoria,
Thank you for going the extra mile for me yesterday.
I appreciated it yesterday but even more so today as I am so much better and feel encouraged that I have finally turned the corner.
Your mentorship and caring is priceless to me and thank you from the bottom of my heart. “
This email made my day because I had achieved what I wanted to and I had used my personal experiences to guide me.
If you know someone who has had a total knee replacement and who is not satisfied with their progress, and needs to talk to someone who understands and will listen, feel free to give them my contact details. I am happy to help if I can.
If you would like to read more about Victoria’s total knee replacement surgery, keep an eye out for our monthly email newsletter. Our email newsletter is different from the Weekly Bite (our weekly hard copy newsletter which comes out on Friday afternoons). The Weekly Bite contains more local information about the Green Apple and a week to week schedule of information to keep you up to date. The email newsletter contains more global information and goes out to many different people, including GP practices and as far away as Germany and Italy! Please let us know if you are not receiving your email newsletter – it should be in your inbox by the end of the first week of the month. You may need to check your spam if you can’t find it!
Big thanks for Cheryl Ivory and Pam Keir for stepping up to deliver the Zumba class on Friday, June 2, when instructor Kerrie had last minute problems and Mel couldn’t come also because of her current back pain concerns. Where else would you have members with such confidence and such big hearts. Well done and thank you for stepping into the breach.