Hi All
Thank you to the members who called in to see the Green Apple Team at the Dickson’s Senior Expo last Wednesday and Thursday. It is always great to see familiar faces when we go to these outreach activities because we are talking to new people for hours which is fun and interesting however it is also very mentally draining. I am sure Katrina and Darrol would have particularly felt this by the time they got home on Thursday afternoon. I certainly crashed! Shirley and Nuala also came to help and were very interactive and helpful in the time they were with us.
When I go to these events I am busy doing neck/shoulder massage because I know this is one of the parts of the body that is significantly affected by the stresses of modern living. Darrol packs in the saddle chair for me to use (best place to sit people to assess tight neck muscles and to see how much this is affecting their head range of movement) and the Sorbolene cream (which I can use for lubricant without damaging their clothes) and I am up and running. And that is what it feels like actually. There is an endless stream of people keen to sit in that chair. On Wednesday I did not stop palpating flesh for five hours, 8.45 till 2pm without a break and then again Thursday 8.30 till 1pm, apart from the time I did my presentation on the stage at 9.30am. It is truly amazing how much this work is needed and how many people just put up with these over recruited and dysfunctional neck and shoulder muscles. It makes me wonder how some of them can drive a car safely!
When we have the Wellness Day on Thursday, September 14, I will be there to offer these neck and upper trap muscle releases again so if you plan to attend, wear something that is easy for me to work around. The best type of top will be a collarless sleeveless type of garment covered by a cardigan or jacket. Alternatively a blouse which I can turn the collar down and in and we can undo the top button or two conservatively. A gold coin donation will win you a place in the saddle chair. I look forward to being able to do this as part of our Wellness Day offerings.
The Wellness Day is going to be really great this time because so many of the Green Apple Team are involved. They are such a talented group and will be sharing some information which will open doors in our minds. And isn’t that what our life journey is all about? Don’t forget to bring a plate to share for when we have our luncheon break.
We will also be having an invitation Morning Tea at the Green Apple next week, on Tuesday September 12. We usually do this after our Expo attendances because we meet people who show interest in what we are doing at Green Apple. Many people in the community have heard about us and, even though they may have some interest, they don’t take the next step to visit us. Our invitation Morning Tea gives them the chance to find out more and to see and experience what goes on. If you have friends or family you have been trying to get to come along because you know it will help them, you can bring them to this Morning Tea. Just let Reception staff know and they will pass it on to Darrol who will put them on the official attendance list.
If you do bring someone to our Wellness Day or to the invitation Morning Tea, do make sure you are included in our “Bring a Guest in September” list. Every member on this list will go into our September draw with the potential to win our “thank you” prize a gift pack including a remedial massage, a personal training session and your choice of a Wellness Workshop—valued at $200! This pack is designed to give your wellness journey a real boost over the different aspects of “wellness” – mental, emotional and physical. Each time your friend does one of the following you will earn “tickets” into the draw:
- Friend comes with you to the meet and greet, Wellness day or a two week guest pass, = 1 ticket
- Friend books a consultation with Victoria = 2 tickets
- Friend joins and becomes a part of the Green Apple community = 3 tickets
The tickets are accumulative, so you can earn up to 6 tickets per friend you refer!
Have you met our new Team member, Sonya Marshall yet? Sonya has been a member for many years and I have had the pleasure of getting to know her both through her exercise efforts and also from the monthly massage sessions she has with me. I am delighted to be able to welcome her into the Green Apple Team.
Sonya really understands the culture and the philosophies that I am passionate about and she will be a very valuable addition to our dedicated staff.
Thank you to the earlybird members whom have been providing me with feedback about their preferences for the Summer Class schedules, particularly Pam Keir who understands what could be provided and what might work etc.
For the month of September, the Winter schedule continues and Zumba with Mel will be delivered on Fridays from now until Friday, September 22.
The plan is, from the end of September, Friday 29th, we will start the Summer schedule. From that date we will have Aquarobics on the Friday morning at 6am. The Thursday class format will continue as is with the Hip, Thigh and Buns class and the FOREVER ACTIVE class between 6am and 7am. Let me know soon if you would like to comment on these arrangements.
I really need to know if you like the idea or you have different ideas. I am prepared to listen to any suggestions and then I will finally decide what will definitely go on the Summer schedule. The aim is to provide what will please the greater number of members.