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The Weekly Bite – Monday 27th March, 2023 —Issue 2508

Hi All,

How are we all feeling? It’s almost the end of March, Easter is round the corner, where has it gone?

I am going to give you some quotes that have been given to me by staff and members, to keep us going, motivated and feel good—here goes:

  • Be nice to your Mother (Darrol)
  • Always warm up before you exercise
  • Drink water before you become thirsty, as once you are thirsty you are already dehydrated
  • Reflect—check in on yourself (How are you feeling? What would improve your day? Plan something positive for yourself)
  • Remember your WHY
  • Set up habits
  • You can’t go wrong if you are moving
  • The key is to keep coming back, focus, regroup
  • Remember Rome wasn’t built in a day, but part of it was. Small steps lead to the big picture
  • Laugh often, be kind to others and yourself
  • Your body can be your best friend or worst enemy. It all depends on how you treat it!
  • You can’t change the past, but you can change the future
  • Keep your food colourful—different colours delivers different phytonutrients, so try and eat a rainbow of fruit and veggies
  • Ensure you have enough quality sleep
  • Don’t get bored with your exercise, try a new class or get a new program
  • Talk about what you are doing? Tell people what your plans are or what to accomplish. Talking about it will keep you accountable and excited! Plus others can motivate you
  • Move it or lose it
  • Find a buddy, a friend that you can work out with, or have a chat to while you are working out. We are all here for the same reason
  • Don’t compare yourself to others, you control your own outcomes and achievements
  • Remember who you are and where you want to go, raise the quality of life, extend your life expectancy, look and feel better, be more productive and energetic, make it a lifestyle—not a duty

These could go on and on but hopefully those provided will help you get through the week, month, year and beyond!  What makes or keeps you going?

Did you know that our E newsletter generally has new content in it and differs from our weekly in house newsletter? It comes out via email to all members on a monthly basis. This month Loretta Howard (our dietitian) has contributed great articles to our most recent E newsletters (edition in February and in March) and Victoria has written a book review on “Stolen Focus” in the most recent edition. If you don’t receive it and wish to be added please email [email protected]

Does your Doctor know you go to the Green Apple? If you wish to provide your Doctor with more information about Green Apple, please let me know and I can either give you information to take to them on your next visit, or I can call in. I know a few Doctors who prefer clients give them the information and also positive results on how they are going.

Lastly it’s Darrol’s final week (for 12mths), please write on his card.

Enjoy your week, till next time







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