Hello Green Apples,
Hope your week has been wonderful and you have achieved something for YOU! Remember this year should be about YOU!
When was the last time you had a program review? having a new program can be small or large changes, depending on your health needs. We recommend changing your program at 8 weeks to prevent plateaus and help you progress toward your goals. Reprograming can be done with our Exercise Physiologists (Charlie, Ben and Bridie and soon with Josie) or with our Exercise Professionals (Katrina, Loretta or Wanda plus Jesse when he returns at the end of Feb.) Next time you are at Reception why not book a session for a new program, do it for YOU!
Tai Chi returns back with Michele for 2025, there are 2 session time for Tai Class, Tuesday 10.30am and Wednesday 5.45pm. If you are a FULL Club member these classes are included in your membership. Other members and guest/visitors are welcome and the cost to attend is $20 each class. It is found that Tai Chi significantly improves cardiorespiratory fitness, strength, balance, mobility, sleep, and even cognition. Tai Chi has been found to successfully decrease the rate of falls as we age. It practices your posture control, trunk rotation, weight transfer, and strength. All of which improve your balance. Tai Chi can help you practice mindfulness, that’s a type of calm mental state. Now, you don’t have to be interested in the history of Tai Chi to enjoy it as a physical exercise. However, like yoga, Tai Chi has roots in a spiritual philosophy. So, it comes with built-in breathing techniques and meditation practices. These encourage calmness in your mind and body. Michelle is able to adapt her Tai Chi Class to include working out on a chair as well as on the floor. If you are a beginner or have done Tai Chi before, you are all welcome to attend.
Body Analysis Group Testing is coming up in March (yes it’s up early but look how fast January came and went). If you are wanting to know how you are preforming on the inside of your body not just your weight, then doing this Maltron Testing with Katrina is important. See Reception for more details, grab a flyer and place your name down on the notice board.
Do you have Type 2 Diabetes or know someone that does? At Green Apple we offer a 8 week FREE Bulked Billed Group Education Course run by Exercise Physiologist Ben. This course requires a T2D Group Education Referral from your Doctor, these are addition to the five EPC (Care Plans) available per calendar year. Our T2D Education Workshop empowers you with the knowledge and of understanding how to manage your diabetes better and how you can be better self-managed. Why not try it out it’s FREE after all and it will benefit YOU!
Have you checked out our notice board at Reception? We change the information regularly, so make sure to check it out when walking in.
Please keep smiling and enjoy your next workout at Green Apple, we welcome you to bring a friend with a guest pass. Ask at Reception for details.