Hi All
Thanks for all the good wishes extended to Brian and to me on our return this week. We did have a lovely trip and came back intact! Many of you mentioned the write-up in the papers, and the comments in radio broadcasting news, about the outbreak of the gastric virus on the Sea Princess. You wanted to know if we were affected. Actually I was amazed that the media made such a fuss about it. When you consider that there were nearly 2.200 passengers (plus hundreds of staff) and there were 200 reported cases during that 14 day cruise, the percentages were relatively small. The hygiene measures on board were amazing and the staff worked extremely hard to ensure that we did not continue to contaminate each other. I must say that some of the passengers did not help because there were incidences of people refusing to wash their hands in the basins provided at the Buffet (thank heaven no-one was allowed to dish their own food in the Buffet once the Captain knew there was a problem on the ship). These recalcitrant passengers loudly proclaimed that they had washed their hands “in their cabin”. Well, I can tell you there are a lot of surfaces they would have touched between their cabin and the restaurant or Buffet. Amazes you doesn’t it? And to cap it off, these same passengers complained loudly about not being able to dish their own food. Ho Hum!
Have you had any difficulty parking in our carpark? I know that being full to capacity can be a problem in very busy times of day. Some members tell me that they actually park up the road at the Bonny View Tavern carpark, especially early in the day when the place is not open, and then walk the short distance down to the Green Apple. They tell me there has never been a complaint because there are plenty of unused carparks (and these members sometimes like to have lunch in the restaurant which they only discovered after parking up there).
The following email addresses potential carpark rage and was sent to me by a valued member. I appreciate members who are prepared to share this sort of feedback with me because what I don’t know about may never be addressed. I withhold the name because it is the issue covered here that is important, not the person explaining the problem to me.
“Victoria, I am emailing because I was not a happy chappy this morning at your car park. I know your car park is a privilege and we are lucky to have it. But, please can people allow people to get out of the park safely and unimpeded so that they can park.
This morning after 7.15 am your park was full. I was driving out from my park when I was forced out of the way by a large 4 x wheel drive, which I took on the chin and we manoeuvred around each other. Only to face off with a car driven by an elderly white haired lady blocking the access. She only moved when a member informed her that he would be vacating his park. It took some ten minutes for her to relinquish the park access drive and reverse onto the road. This is where she blocked the road and traffic causing me to exit and drive over the white middle line, turn right and around the roundabout on the right, then overtake her over the white line as she remained blocking the carriageway.
Please Victoria, can you inform people in your newsletter that incoming vehicles to your carpark allow outgoing a safe and unimpeded exit. I am thinking next time I will take some photos. One has to allow people out to allow people in.
I am sorry about my complaint; but there has to be some sort of etiquette or an accident or incident will occur.”
Calling for any more participants for our My Health for Life course, government recommended and fully funded. If you are over 18 and pre-diabetic (i.e. you rate 12 or more on the AUSDRISK questionnaire), you will now be eligible to enrol in this course with Tiffany and Bridie in 2018. If you want to do the AUSDRISK questionnaire, we have copies available.
Final call for members and family/friends who want to address their Christmas excesses (or just to get on track for 2018).
Step 1 Book in to have your Body Composition Analysis on Tues Jan 23 or Wed Jan 24 to find out how much body fat and muscle you have right now (fee $15).
Step 2 Book in for the eight week HEAL Course, starting Tuesday Jan 23.
Step 3 Celebrate how good you feel by mid-March!
Step 4 Do a follow up Body Composition Analysis test to check your fat/muscle ratio.