Hi All
Isn’t it great to see the Christmas party tables at the Tavernetta filling up. Someone was telling me the other day that they didn’t really know many people but they planned to go to the party because they have so little opportunity to share Christmas with others. This member has a scattered family with their own agendas this year and her husband died a few years ago. She sees the Green Apple Christmas party as being able to have some fun with people she can trust. I thought “how good is this”.
Well done to the Green Apple Social Committee for making it possible for any of you to do something socially with your Green Apple family. It is not too late to join in.
Sunny has done a wonderful job in delivering the Osteoporosis and Sarcopenia (Muscle Wastage) workshop. How many of us truly understand the reasons we are doing our strength training. One of the things that Sunny planned to do was to explain exactly what is happening inside your body when you use the Forever Active equipment (and this can be applied to any strength training exercises). We need to understand the relationship between our weight training and how our tissue regenerates when loaded because it will make our exercise efforts make so much more sense. This is such an important area to learn about because loss of bone and muscle is happening to all of us as we get older and this process starts as early as 35! We plan to have more of these workshops in 2018!!
I know it is still early days to be talking about Christmas however if you are still planning your presents for hard-to-buy-for people in your life, you might be interested in a Green Apple gift. One of them is an hour massage with an additional half an hour of specifically prescribed exercises. It is a gift with a difference because it provides something special for friends and family who might need help with something like a back problem or knee replacement etc. Margy will do the massage and one of the technical team will provide the exercise session. If you have someone in mind and want to discuss whether it would be appropriate, let me know. I can give you an honest answer on whether it would be helpful. The great thing about these presents is that if you have bought it in good faith, trying to do the right thing, and they don’t want to use it, you can. Your “spend” will not be wasted.
Member Tas Richards has written some words about her rehabilitation, using Yoga as therapy after knee replacement surgery;
“My favourite ‘rehab’ has been your Yoga classes with Joyce. I was enjoying them pre-op and was missing them so much that I decided to re-join on Saturday mornings and Wednesday evenings perhaps a little sooner than I should have. No matter, I was welcomed with compassion and you were/are mindful of my ability and limitations at all times.
At first, I was a little reticent and self-conscious as I joined the class of the seasoned fit and fabulous participants. I needn’t have, everyone was so warm and welcoming I didn’t mind ‘making a fool of myself’ doing my breathing and stretching from a chair. I was pleasantly surprised after the very first ‘chair yoga’ how much I benefited and could not wait to go back for more! What also pleasantly surprised me (although it shouldn’t have – the Green Apple family are special!) was how caring and helpful the other participants are, patiently following me up or down the stairs as I slowly navigate the steps, ready with a hand should I stumble and helping me with the chair and watching out for me. A big thank you to all my yoga mates.
I am so proud to report that after only a few sessions on the chair, I have progressed so well that last Wednesday evening’s class saw me on the yoga mat; and did not need to resort to the ‘just in case I need it’ chair beside me. However, I am at that ‘good day/bad day’ stage of recovery so will use the chair whenever I am having a bad day with the knee being particularly stiff and stubborn! I would, without reservation, recommend the chair to anyone who feels they would like to do yoga but are not able to, or not keen on getting down on the mat. Do come along on Wednesday evenings or Saturday mornings and ENJOY the delightfully relaxed after-glow from one of Joyce’s Yoga sessions.”